EAP1-A ww
Argument essay#1
The Influence of Multitasking Media
We use some multitasking which is the ability of a computer to operate several programs at the same time in our life in modern society because we want to get information quickly, efficiently and conveniently. But too much information will bother us; especially young people easily waste time and some information a lot. According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 82 percent of kids use Internet by the seventh grade (cited in “Are kids too plugged in?” 2006). Also, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, American young people who are from 8 to 18 years old use electronic media at 6.5 hours a day. And they use multitasking media at 8.5 hours (cited in “Are kids too plugged in?” 2006). These reports express the danger of the effect of multitasking media for young people, and they may contribute to Internet addiction for children. That is to say, to use electronic tools too much may give young people the problem of developing health and neglect of real life. So, young people should reduce the time of using electronic media and increase face to face communication in their real life.
Today, young generation prefer to use some multitasking a lot. Why do young people spend too much time to use electronic media? Jordan Grafman, cognitive neuroscientist says “Kids that are instant messaging while doing homework, playing games online and watching TV, I predict, aren’t going to do well in the long run” (cited in “Are kids too plugged in?” 2006,p,1.) Young people are crazy about using electronic media because they feel comfortable and convenient even if they meet someone in real life. Also, they can create their own virtual character and they can act as a fake figure and personality. Denise Clark Pope, lecturer at the Stanford School of Education, says “The minute the bell rings at most big public high schools, the first thing most kids do is reach into their bag and pick up their cell phone, and “never mind that the person [they’re contacting] could be right down the hall” (cited in “Are kids too plugged in?” 2006,p,2.) This action may be cell phone addiction because they want to find their cell phone soon and want to use it. I think that they think about their message on cell phone during class. So, they lose their real life; they lose the ability of communicating with teachers and friends by paying attention to cell phone. Also, they use cell phone too much by using it to speak to someone even when someone is near them. This expresses the lack of the interaction. Also, they feel stressed out about the time because time is important in modern society; they are pushed for time all the time. Therefore, to use electronic media is very usual and convenient tool for people especially young people. But, they must exercise. This means they need to walk and talk to the person. This action is natural and good for people because to communicate face to face gives us real knowledge, imagination and progress of mind.
Next, young people greatly lose social skills and they lose the chance to contact with the person face to face in their society. "The problem, "says psychiatrist and author Edward Hallowell, "is what you are not doing if the electronic moment grows too large"--too large for those parents who are equally tethered to their gadgets. In this case, says Hallowell, "you are not having family dinner, you are not having conversations, you are not debating whether to go out with a boy who wants to have sex on the first date, you are not going on a family ski trip or taking time just to veg. It's not so much that the video game is going to rot your brain, it’s what you are not doing that’s going to rot your life” (cited in “Are kids too plugged in?” 2006,p,2.). According to this opinion, young people take the wrong way in their life and they pervert the course of good by using multitasking media. For example, I have one friend who is crazy about multitasking media. She always uses Internet including chatting, mailing, blogs like myspace, facebook at the same time. She always uses Internet in her room all day except in her class. She just sits in front of her computer, and she doesn’t move except to prepare to eat or to go to the bathroom. Even though she eats something, she put her meals next to her computer. I think that she is an Internet addiction absolutely, and she needs help to get to real life. Besides, she can use both computer and cell phone at the same time. Also, she has her real myspace and her virtual myspace. She has fallen love with her virtual boyfriend. To my mind, this action is very weird because she avoids her real life. Furthermore, she doesn’t like to communicate with people, and she doesn’t try to make friends because she isn’t accustomed to talking to people. So, multitasking media has produced a person that has the lack of interaction like this person. Young people are in danger of losing their real life in modern society.
However, we need to use multitasking media as long as we live in modern society. I use multitasking media everyday. I check e-mail, find some articles for my class and entertainment like a game, movie, music. In my case, I can communicate with my family and friends in
In conclusion, to use multitasking media is essential for us because we can get information and knowledge. And we can connect with people all over the world. But overusing it is not good for our body and mind. Also, to communicate by using multitasking media is not real because we can’t talk to the person face to face. So, to communicate face to face is the best interaction for us. According to this article, we must learn that overusing electronic tools must influence young people to develop health trouble and neglect real life. So, young people should reduce their amount of using them and they should pay attention to their real life.
Are kids too plugged in? (2006,March,19) CNN.com. Retrieved Feb 7,2007 from Lexis-Wexis database.
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